Miles walked:
Total: 460.69
Daily average: 7.31
Average steps per day: ~15,000
Most miles walked in one day: 20.45 (Venice)
Favorite country:
Sarah and Jay: Italy, but that's not entirely fair since we spent the most time there. Though Jay enjoyed being able to communicate in France.
Favorite single thing:
Sarah: The stained glass at Sainte-Chapelle
Jay: The British Museum
Favorite experience:
Sarah: Dinner in Tivoli, me looking at a waterfall, Jay looking at a Roman temple
Jay: The first day in Rome when we were wandering in to churches.
Most surprising thing:
Sarah: My birthday party!
Jay: The Duomo in Orvieto
Other surprises:
How much we loved Budapest
How much Sarah loved Rome
How easy it was to eat in Italy
How big the Eiffel tower is (Sarah)
Most impressive:
Sarah: The mosaics in Ravenna
Jay: The Hungarian Parliament
Favorite city:
Sarah: London (well, duh)
Jay: Budapest
Favorite random discovery:
Sarah: The bookshop with the Dalek's in London.
Jay: Making friends with the baker in Budapest.
Favorite meal:
Sarah: Does gelato count? Otherwise, our lunch at the little place in Verona with the Amarone risotto.
Jay: Fish pasta in Bolsena
Most aggravating moment:
Sarah: Jay, attempting to navigate in Italy.
Jay: Sarah, not making up her damn mind about a souvenir in Venice.
Worst moment of the trip:
Sarah and Jay: The hour spent thinking we wouldn't have a car.
Thing we'll miss the most about Europe:
Sarah: Gelato and 1 euro coffee.
Jay: The abundance of really good bread
Both: Awesome cheap wine
Things we're most excited to get back to in the U.S.
Sarah: A wider selection of clothes.
Some thoughts:
One of the
interesting things about a trip of this length is that, even if you're still
having a wonderful time, once you get to the end you are ready for it. I'm just
as excited to go home as I was to come to Europe. No joke.
The last two months
have been incredible. It's been a true once-in-a-lifetime experience. Grad
school was stressful and did a number of me, but over the last two months,
through the lens of travel, I've had the chance to discover the person that
I've become, and I'm pleased with what I found. The last five years made me a
stronger, more confident person and taught me to look at the world through the
eyes of a scientist. This trip helped me remember how to look at the world
through the eyes of a writer, a photographer, a consummate hobbyist. It also
reminded me the reason I went to graduate school in the first place: I truly
love to learn. I can rally up fascination for just about any subject you put in
front of me.
Jay and I have learned more about each other,
at a point when we'd thought there wasn't much left to learn, and I think we
love each other more for it. We've generated a life time of memories, and I'm
so glad that I've had this blog as a place to set them down, so that we can
look back in future years.
I've had the
vacation of a lifetime and I'm ready to get back to the real world. Time to
return to the world. We have a lot of exciting stuff ahead of us: job hunting,
figuring out where to move next, buying a new car; and those are only the
adventures that we can anticipate.
Thanks for reading.
What an incredible trip! Thank you for sharing with us!